Sunday, February 19, 2012

strength! lightning fast

this past weekend i went up to south windsor connecticut to lift at lightning fitness under strength coach and strongman competitor matt mills.

here's what went down!

as usual, coming from a commercial fancy gym i catch an instant semi when i walk in and see all the equipment. the toys were there and i wanted to play!

first on the list was the yolk walk! last time i did this was at defranco's gym back in august, i walked for roughly 50 feet 530 lbs belted. this time 545, 50 feet there and back no belt. i'd call that improvement, just saying.

next up was a 50 feet there and back medley of farmers carry, prowler push. 225 on each farmers handle and the prolwer had 4 plates on it.

upon finishing this i took notice of the leaders board (good idea and i will steal it) and wanted my name up there.

took over the under 200 lb deadlift and under 200lb 3 minute 24 k snatch.

what did i learn? the usual and as dr. davidson, professor at springfield college said earlier that day, you could have the best program and best form, but the right atmosphere is the missing ingredient. being the strongest guy in your gym just means you may need to find a new gym. i learned that strength is essential! if i wasnt as strong as i am, that unbelted yok would have crushed me! instead it improved my posture. i learned, from dr. davidson, that you always need a rabbit to chase. always be happy with your accomplishments, but never stisfied with them. grow and grow always.

if you live in the east coast or find yourself around here i strongly suggest you go to matt mills place. he's a smart guy (ma in kinesiology from uconn i think) strong as hell (holds log clean press records), and most importantly a good person. hit that site up and get your lift on.

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