Friday, February 24, 2012

Sexy Challenge

Earlier in the month, or maybe late last month? either way, Brett Contreras put up a fun little challenge for us to test ourselves with. Hundreds of people have attempted this challenge and here is my attempt at it.

The rules are fairly straight forward. There are five lifts- front squat, romanian deadlift, hip thrust, pull-up, incline bench press. The weight on the bar is equal to your bodies weight. Front squats have to have your hip crease breaking the top of the patella. For the Romanian Deadlift the the bar must go lower than your knees and you must stand up straight to finish the rep. For the hip thrust you must use a regular sized bench or higher, weights cannot touch the floor. For pull-ups, you must start from a dead hang and no kipping. For the bench no bouncing of the chest, ALL THE WAY UP AND ALL THE WAY DOWN. sorry for yellling but partial rep syndrome is a pet peeve of mine. For scoring, each good rep counts as 1 point, add up all your points and that is your total score.

Brett had some reward system in place. I do not recall what he put down, but you can check it for yourselves at you can also read a bunch of articles he's written and get smarter, dude is smart!

on to the videos

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