Thursday, June 10, 2010

maximal, submaximal, repetition, and dynamic effort methods

There are different ways to classify how to strength train. Some like to seperate them into phases such as light/medium/ heavy or "tone"/ hypertrophy/ strength power, or isometric/ isotonic/isokinetic, pretty much whatever categories you can think of. Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky categorizes by the taxonomy of strength, these categories are the maximal effort method, repetition effort method, dynamic effort method, and repetition effort method.

In the maximal effort method you are lifting a maximum load. Zatsiorky says that the maximal effort method is superior for improving inter and intramuscular coordination and the muscles and central nervous system. Training the central nervous system teaches the body to recruit the greatest number of motor units. The more motor units are recruited the more muscle is fired allowing you to lift heavier and more explosively. It is like having a 10 ounce cup that can only be filled with 3 ounces, a more responsive central nervous system will allow you to fill that same 10 ounce cup with 6 ounces of water, making you double the strength.

In the Submaximal Effort Method you lift a non maximal load similarly to the repetition effort method. Difference between the two being in the number of reps per set. The submaximal effort method will do an intermediate or not to failure set. While in the repetiton effort method the sets are done to failure. Due to similar mechanical volume muscle hypertrophy is similar in both methods. But if the goal is to improve on muscular coordination (inter and intra) repetition effort method has submax method beat. Zatsiorsky states "1. Recruitment order of the MU's is determined by the size principle. 2. only recruited mu's are trained. 3.the recruited MU's should experience fatigue (or at least they should be highly activated meaning the discharge frequency of their motoneurons should be sufficiently large)." so, Motor Units are recruited from small and weak to bigger and more explosive in order, if the weight isnt sufficient enough higher end MU's wont be recruited, if the repetions are not done to failure and not fatiguing then the MU is not trained.

In the dynamic effort method a person lifts or thorws a nonmaximal load with the highest attainable speed. It is used to increase force output not by training to increase the maximal strength but to to increase the rate of force development.

All this sounds great but theres always some negatives. With the Maximal Effort Method, it is irresponsible to use with a beginner. Another negative effect of Maximal Effort Method is it allows for only a low volume workload. Having a such low volume of mechanical work limits the degradation of contractile proteins which doesnt allow for much hypertrophy to set in. Lastly, its easier to burn out at such high intensities. Repetion Effort could lead to injuries in most trainee's while submaximal effort may not fatigue motor units as efficiently

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