Wednesday, October 20, 2010

what happened?

quick rant. no spell-check just a quickie right down the middle. you know how i get down.

1-swithcing focus on this blog to something more maintainable for me. i'll put up links to other awesome articles and blogs i find, and i'll just babble on like modern Iraq.

on to my thoughts.

Since when is the pursuit of strength not at the forefront of every able-bodied, red blooded american male? its seems the Mustang has given way to the Prius.

people need to man and woman up!

women will not become bulky from getting strong, men you honestly have no excuse to not become strong unless you are a model and need to stay a certain size.

FITNESS PROFESSIONALS it is OUR responsibility to educate your clients on these things. Regardless of your goal getting stronger makes achieving said goal easier.

put down the BOSU ball the wobble board and get in the squat rack put a bar with appropriate weight on it on your back squat down get back up repeat! put some plates on a bar on the ground and pick it up.
That snippet too complex to understand then go and buy Starting Strength 2 by Rippetoe.
get in the gym and lift
I am stealing this from a t-shirt i saw at USAPL New Jersey State Power Lifting meet,
"7 days without lifting makes one weak"
side note, I am having trouble posting videos on here if you can figure this out show me the way.

1 comment:

  1. To post videos from youtube you gotta copy the embeded html and paste it into the blogger written section.
